Monday, September 27, 2010


So, I'm teaching my son how to play piano, and I think he actually has an ear for it and he's getting pretty good.  I'm probably pretty biased, but what they hey!  He is very interested in learning a song by an artist called Carly Comando that was recorded for the You Tube Sensation "Everyday"  It's the video where the guy takes a picture of himself everyday for six years.

It's a very repetive tune, but it does create an excellent feel and goes really well with the video.  Ben wants to do it at his school talent show in May so we have several months to work on it before then.  Wish us luck!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The streets are paved in Gold in Toledo

OK, I'm in Toledo the next couple of days for work and appearantly, the streets are NOT paved in gold, as I've heard.  Kind of dissapointed :(

Anyway, it was a long drive and I'm looking forward to hanging out and watching the cardinals game (thanks ESPN) and hitting the hay early. 

Not a whole lot to say.  Ohio seems to sap all the inspiration out of me.  More later. 


Monday, July 19, 2010

You look different, have you lost weight?

Well, to be honest with you, I've never heard that in my life until the last couple of months. In February I had my 6 month doctor's visit when I slink into the office and he yells at me and asks me why I refuse to take care of myself. There is also talk of diabetes, heart disease, and all that good stuff.

Well this visit didn't go a whole lot different than I imagined, except for afterwards. For some reason, his words really hit me, and I decided to really take some steps and change my life. I walked into that office weighing about 265 pounds (including winter boots and a coat, so...well, you know).

I began to make some changes. No more fast food, more veggies, lots and lots of water, exercise 4 times a week, and one day off a week, as long as I don't over do it. I went back to the office in June having lost 55 pounds and no more talk of diabetes. What a difference 4 months made.

In the middle of this time, God spoke to me about who he created me to be and what obedience to him actually looks like. I'm so thankful to him for leading me into a healthier lifestyle, and just continue to look to him as the Lord over ALL of my life.

If anyone happens to read this and has any questions, please feel free to ask. I'd love to talk to you about what God wants to do in your life and what he continues to do in mine.

Remember ME?

Every once in a while, God steps in during worship and says "Remember Me?"
That happened yesterday at Rooftop. Our Worship leader, Jason preached for the first time ever and he did a great job.

God did some work on people at church yesterday and I'm looking forward to what the coming days have in store for the people of Rooftop.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


So last night Rooftop hosted a couple of great guys for a night of original music and inspiration.

Kevin from Engaged ( and and gentleman I'll call the Jaguar Shark ( came to Roofop Community church last night and played. It was a good time. I was very encouraged about the arts in the church and people that are willing to go out and share their faith through songs and stories. It was a real blessing and hopefully we'll get to do more of that at Rooftop soon.

This is intentionally not a funny, or sarcastic post. I'm hoping to be funny in future writings, but for anyone that knows me, That's no very likely.

Oh and by the way, support local musicians when you can, You will both benefit greatly. :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

New post WARNING!!!!

OK, I am really going to stick to posting this time. Actually I wonder what the percentage is of all posts are from people promising that they will blog more to an unknown audience that doesn't really know them or care. Well take that number and add one. I'm back baby!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's a singing competition!!

So the fam is sitting down watching AI on Fox (on the DVR). This whole group is really good and I'm enjoying all the songs. Ben's vote is for Danny Gokey. Not sure if I agree or not. WOW. I like that song Heartless by Kayne, and I really enjoyed hearing it sung and not through an autotuner. Man, that Chris guy did a great job! Adam was really good on Cryin'.....

All in all, they were all really good.

That's all I got